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The Design Tree!

  • In this phase, the empathizing phase our goal is get to know our persona, our user, our customer to understand who they are their ethnography.

  • In the Defining Problem phase we wish to define our user needs and to validate our persona and their problem.

  • In the digital story phase we will visualize our persona and the critical emotions surrounding their problem.

  • In the Collaborative Ideation phase we want to use our digital story as a prompt and engage our team in a brainstorming sessions.

  • In the Prototyping phase we will select the best solution from the Ideation phase. Our goal is to expand upon our idea and transform it into a workable prototype.

  • In the Testing phase our goal is to validate our solution. Through a series of conversations we can test our prototype and gauge if our solution is meeting the needs of our persona.

Step 6. Test your completed digital story (with business offering) on your target market.

Testing for Validation

Collaborate with your team reflect on your digital story and solution/prototype, and then craft a series of quantitative and qualitative questions to gain insight into how your solution is solving or failing to solve the persona's problem.

Testing Tools

Use the following design thinking strategies to test your solutions viability and efficiency in solving your target demographics problem.

Testing Sheet

Use to plan, execute, and record observations testing your solution. The Testing Sheet helps to ensure your prototype is meeting the needs of your users.

Solution Interview

Use to gather feedback and insights of a solution. The Solution Interview helps us to test if our solution is accepted by our target demographic.

A/B Testing

Use to compare two versions of a product or solution to determine the more effective option based on user responses. A/B testing help us determine which version of our product our target demographic likes the most and why.

Feedback Capture Grid

Use to organize and analyze feedback received from users or stakeholders during a design process. The Feedback Capture Grid helps us to analyze if our solution is solving our target demographics problem.

Structured Usability Testing

Use to systematically evaluate the usability and effectiveness of a product or solution. The Structured Usability Test helps us acquire specific feedback to refine and improve our prototype.

Explorative Interview

Use to gain new insights, ideas, and perspectives about those experiencing the problem. An Exploratory Interview helps us to understand our target demographic so we can address their needs through our solution.

Step 7. Update your validated digital story.

Digital Story

Update your digital story with the information from the ideation, prototyping, and testing phase and other design thinking experiments that validated your person and their affinity for your solution. This powerful visualization helps us to explore our persona's journey and refine our solution and user experience.

Digital Storytelling

Step 7. Add User Research to your Digital Story then co-create and cross-collaborate with others.

Add your user research to your digital story. Digital storytelling in design thinking stands as a transformative force by infusing life into our user research and humanizing our data. It transcends the traditional presentation of raw statistics or research findings by weaving them into compelling narratives that resonate on a human level. By contextualizing data within stories, it bridges the gap between mere numbers and the lived experiences of individuals, fostering a deeper understanding of user needs and motivations. This approach allows designers to convey complex insights in a relatable and accessible manner, evoking empathy and emotional connection among stakeholders. It transforms abstract data points into meaningful stories that illustrate real-world challenges, aspirations, and behaviors of users. Through this process, digital storytelling breathes life into user research, empowering design thinkers to glean profound insights, inspire innovative solutions, and create designs that authentically address the nuanced needs of the people they serve.

Cross-Collaboration Growing a Future Economy

Co-Create and Cross-Collaborate with stakeholders with your digital story.

Our digital story once completed is the perfect repository for our user research and with this user research we can co-create and cross-collaborate to design a suite of products and services, or collaborate to solve systemic issues, or work together to build new ecosystems and even collaborate overtime with stakeholders, our government, businesses, civil society and the public to build a new economy.