Solution Interview

Collaborate in a Solution Interview to gauge if the solution is valued by the user in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, and overall experience.

Solution Interview

Solution Interview we can gauge if the solution is valued by the user in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, and overall experience. Gaining a better understanding of the needs, behaviors and motivation of the users and customers more deeply. Collaborate as a team in 2-5 member groups to determine if a solution is valued by the user. First, ensure the user aligns with your persona. Then, work together to determine the context of the interview, plan the interview and develop the interview guide. 

Group Size: 2-5

Materials Needed: Solution Interview,Pens, Sketches or Product Photos, Stock Photos -New Future, Markers and Post-its

Duration: 20-30 mins

Solution Interview

Gauge if the user values the solution in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, and overall experience. Gaining a better understanding of the users' and customers' needs, behaviors, and motivations more deeply.

  • Determine if the user values a prototype.

    Develop a better understanding of the needs and behavior of the user.

    Measure the value of a solution.

    Document feedback to improve the prototype.

  • Collaborate as a team in 2-5 member groups to determine if a solution is valued by the user. First, ensure the user aligns with your persona. Then, work together to determine the context of the interview, plan the interview and develop the interview guide.

  • Step 1. Play your digital story or read your problem statement to develop a shared context with your team. Then, collaborate with your team to define your user/persona. Next, determine the goal of the interview and reflect on the problem the solution will solve. Finally, within the task of the user, find a way to measure the impact in solving the persona's problem.

    Step 2. Discover if the user values the intended solution/prototype with a solution interview. Begin by ensuring the user mirrors the persona found in your digital story or research. Next, choose your interview. Finally, what materials will you need to conduct a successful interview?

    Step 3. Plan the interview, the warm-up and introduction, the team, the experience to be tested (time), and a summary. Lastly, collaborate with your team to develop discussion points, specific questions, and how the solution will be presented.

    Finally, allow the persona/user to experience the solution and think aloud as they interact with the prototype. After the interview, summarize your findings to determine if the user accepts your solution.

  • The prototype or MVP should be suitable enough to perform the interview.

    Ensure your participant matches your persona.

    Make use of high resolution prototypes.

    Pay attention to personality traits like early adopters and innovators; these traits may skew your results.

    Avoid demonstrations; allow the user to experience the prototype.

    Have a few questions in the early phase of the interview and specific questions in the later phases.

Solution Interview

In a solution interview, the primary focus is on exploring potential solutions to a problem or challenge. The questions asked during a solution interview are geared towards gathering insights, generating ideas, and understanding perspectives that can lead to effective solutions. Here are some types of questions you can ask in a solution interview:

Problem understanding: Begin by clarifying the problem or challenge at hand. Ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the issue, its impact, and any relevant context. For example:

  • Can you describe the specific problem or challenge you're facing?

  • How long has this problem been occurring, and what are its key effects?

  • Have you attempted any previous solutions, and if so, what were the results?

  • Solution exploration: Encourage the interviewee to think creatively and consider different approaches to solving the problem. Ask open-ended questions that promote brainstorming and idea generation. For example:

  • What are some potential solutions or strategies you have considered?

  • Are there any innovative approaches or technologies you think could be applied here?

  • Can you envision any alternative perspectives or out-of-the-box ideas for tackling this problem?

Feasibility assessment: Dive into the practicality and viability of the proposed solutions. Ask questions that assess the resources, constraints, and potential obstacles that may arise during implementation. For example:

  • What resources, such as budget, time, or personnel, would be required for these solutions?

  • Are there any potential challenges or barriers that you foresee in implementing these solutions?

  • How would you prioritize different solutions based on their feasibility and impact?

  • Stakeholder perspectives: Consider the perspectives and needs of various stakeholders who may be affected by the solutions. Ask questions that explore different viewpoints and potential impacts on different groups. For example:

  • Who are the key stakeholders in this problem, and what are their concerns?

  • How might these proposed solutions impact different stakeholders, both positively and negatively?

  • Are there any potential conflicts or trade-offs between the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders?

Evaluation and refinement: Discuss methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and identify ways to improve or refine them. Ask questions that encourage critical thinking and reflection. For example

How would you measure the success or impact of these solutions?

  • What feedback mechanisms or metrics could be used to track progress?

  • Are there any potential risks or unintended consequences associated with these solutions

Remember, the goal of a solution interview is to gather insights and stimulate innovative thinking. Encourage the interviewee to think broadly and consider multiple perspectives while maintaining a constructive and collaborative atmosphere.