Feedback Capture Grid

Collaborate to organize and cluster user feedback from test results to understand what improvements, new features, or changes need to be made to improve the prototype.

Feedback Capture Grid

Collaborate to organize and cluster user feedback from test results to understand what improvements, new features or changes that need to be made to improve the prototype. Work as a team in 2-5 member groups collaborate to determine if the prototype is meeting the needs of the user. Collect and cluster test results identifying common problems. 

Group Size: 2-5

Materials Needed: Print Feedback Capture Grid,Pens, Sketches or Product Photos, Stock Photos -New Future, Markers and Post-its

Duration: 30-60 mins

Feedback Capture Grid

Collaborate to organize and cluster user feedback from test results to understand what improvements, new features, or changes must be made to improve the prototype.

  • Quickly and easily test prototypes.

    Document and cluster test results.

    Find new ways to improve your prototype.

    Get feedback.

  • Work as a team in 2-5 member groups collaborate to determine if the prototype is meeting the needs of the user. Collect and cluster test results identifying common problems.

  • Begin by finding users who mirror the persona found in our digital story, creating several user groups of our most likely customers.

    Step 1. After determining the scenario for testing, ask the user/ customer to "think aloud" as they engage with the solution—a video or audio recording document. From here, we can document the user's likes with quotes from the "think aloud."

    Step 2. Document in the "I Wish" section things the user has identified that could be improved.

    Step 3. Document what questions the user or the team has after testing the user.

    Step 4. Collaborate with your team to summarize all findings and document any new ideas, insights, and all changes that need to be made to the prototype.

  • Define your persona and develop various user groups based on your potential target market.

    Users new to your product typically provide excellent feedback.

    Allow the user to experience the prototype and avoid selling the idea to the user.

    Listen, watch, and try not to ask questions or explain the prototype.

    Allow the user to use the prototype and ask the user to "Think Aloud" record with audio or video.

    Review the test results with the entire team to formulate a new point of view to improve the prototype.

Feedback Capture Grid

When designing a feedback capture grid, it's important to ask a variety of questions that cover different aspects of the subject or topic you want feedback on. Here are some types of questions you can include in a feedback capture grid:

Rating questions: Ask participants to rate specific aspects of the subject on a scale (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10). For example:

  • How would you rate the overall quality of the product/service?

  • On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you with the customer support received?

  • Likert scale questions: Use statements and ask participants to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement. For example:

    • Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree:

      • The website is user-friendly.

      • The event was well-organized.

  • Open-ended questions: Allow participants to provide detailed written feedback. These questions give them the freedom to express their thoughts and opinions. For example:

    • What aspects of our product/service do you appreciate the most?

    • Please provide any suggestions or improvements you would like to see.

Multiple-choice questions: Offer participants predefined options to choose from. This format can help gather specific feedback on different features or elements. For example:

  • Which feature of our app do you find most useful?

    • Feature A

    • Feature B

    • Feature C

    • Other (please specify)

  • Demographic questions: Include a section to collect demographic information, such as age, gender, occupation, or location. This data can help analyze feedback patterns and identify specific target audience preferences.

Remember to mix different types of questions to gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback. This will provide a comprehensive understanding of the participants' opinions and experiences.