The Lab

Designing a Waqf : From The Wisdom and Sunnah of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (pbuh)

Step 1. Create a Vision for the Waqf

Collaborate to design a future vision for the Waqf. Think of a future where the entire community (future entrepreneurs) will benefit.

Click here to learn more….. New Visions

Collaborate with…..  Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 2. Brainstorm Ideas for the Waqf

Collaborate and brainstorm ideas for the Waqf. Think of ideas that can lead to future opportunities for the entire community.

Click here to learn more….. Collaborate and Brainstorm Solutions

Collaborate with…..  Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 3. Critical Items for Waqf

Collaborate to define what critical elements are needed for the venture to be successful. List critical elements as experiences and functions and future experiences and future functions that are needed.

Click here to learn more….. Critical Items Diagram

Click here to get started….. Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 4. Need, Approach, Benefit, Competition NABC

Collaborate and present ideas for constructive feedback with N.A.B.C. Answer key questions on the Need, Approach, Benefit, and Competition in the context of the product offering.

Click here to learn more….. NABC

Click here to get started….. Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 5. MVP for Waqf

Collaborate to create a minimum viable product, a prototype we can use to gauge interest in the market, and see if our early idea is meeting the needs of our customers with minimum risk and investment.

Click here to learn more….. MVP

Click here to get started….. Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 6. Solution Interview for Waqf

Collaborate in a Solution Interview to gauge if the solution is valued by the user in terms of functionality, user-friendliness, and overall experience.

Click here to learn more…..New Futures

Collaborate with….. Go To Online Whiteboard

Step 7. Create a Simulation for Waqf

Collaborate with us to create a simulation of our Waqf. With a simulation, we can cross-collaborate with other entrepreneurs to brainstorm ideas for a future economy.…….

Click here to learn more…..Create a Simulation of a Customer Story

Collaborate with…… Go To Online Whiteboard