Welcome to
The Design Tree!
In this phase, the empathizing phase our goal is to get to know our persona, our users, and our customers to understand who they are and their ethnography.
In the Defining Problem phase we wish to define our user needs and to validate our persona and their problem.
In the digital story phase we will visualize our persona and the critical emotions surrounding their problem.
In the Collaborative Ideation phase we want to use our digital story as a prompt and engage our team in a brainstorming sessions.
In the Prototyping phase we will select the best solution from the Ideation phase. Our goal is to expand upon our idea and transform it into a workable prototype.
In the Testing phase our goal is to validate our solution. Through a series of conversations we can test our prototype and gauge if our solution is meeting the needs of our persona.
Step 5. Use your digital story to prototype a solution.
How it Works Prototype
Collaborate with your team to construct a visual representation of an idea from your brainstorming session. Then, devise a brief marketing strategy to discover the solution. Lastly, provide an explanation of how the solution works in three sequential steps or list three important features.
Design Thinking Plan
Create a design thinking plan a list of design thinking stategies you can perform to validate your digital story and develop, and test your solution.
Prototyping Tools
Use the following strategies to build a prototype and or refine and develop your solution.
Minimum Viable Product
Use to create a version of a product with core features to test the solution’s ability to solve the persona’s problem. An MVP helps to gather valuable feedback to create the ideal solution.
Prototype to Test
Use to document how the persona experiences the idea or prototype and its prototype variants. The Prototype to Test helps us to assess user needs and acquire important feedback.
Pitch Deck
Use to create a presentation that succinctly communicates a product, service, or idea to stakeholders or investors. Pitch decks help others to understand, care, and take action in championing our solution.
Service Blueprint
Use to create a visual representation of a service's, customer interactions, and underlying processes to identify areas for improvement. The service blue print will allow us to create the ideal user experience.
Exploration Map
Use to create a visual of various paths, possibilities, and potential solutions for a problem. The exploration map helps us to rate and evaluate the various prototypes and the variety of solutions that can solve the problem.
Add your business offering to your Digital Story.
Digital Story
Update your digital story with the information from the ideation, prototyping, and testing phase and other design thinking experiments that validated or invalidated your person and their affinity for your solution. This powerful visualization helps us to explore our alleged persona's journey and refine our solution and user experience.