Welcome to Design Tree Training

  • In this module, we will empathize with our community by conducting a design thinking strategy called AEIOU and performing interviews with members of our community who symbolize key transitional figures (ex., child, teen, adult, elderly)

    Go to Empathize

  • In the Defining Problem phase, we will document our community problems using storytelling, which will collect quotes from our community and complete the critical items diagram to determine items critical for our communities ideal future.

    Go to Defining

  • In this step, we will combine the results from our vision cone with our research from our empathizing and defining phases and create a simulation/ digital story of our current status quo.

    Go to Digital Storytelling

  • In the Collaborative Ideation phase, we will collectively and independently brainstorm solutions to achieve our ideal future while simultaneously solving our community member’s problems.

    Go to Ideation

  • In the Prototyping phase, we will encourage our community members to break off into teams to create low-cost solutions to our community’s problems that are also aligned with our ideal future.

    Go to Prototyping

  • In the Testing phase, we will explore what our community thinks about the solutions proposed in Feedback Capture Grid. The information from our community will allow us to proceed or continue seeking the best solutions to help us achiever our ideal community.

    Go to Testing

Learn how to perform design thinking that incorporates a simulation of the customer story by exploring the design thinking process…….

Design Thinking that incorporates a simulation of a customer story.

Start with a Simulation of the Customer Story or a Digital Story.

Learn how to get started by creating a simulation of the customer story ……..


Empathizing: Learn how to understand your ideal customer and validate the persona in your simulation/digital story…..


Defining: learn how to get to the root of your customer’s problem and define the customers needs …..


Ideating: Learn how to collaboratively ideate the perfect solution …..


Prototyping: Learn how we can collaborate to create a low-cost solution …..


Testing: Learn how we can simulate our product and test on our user participants …..

Get Started with the Design Tree

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