Welcome to The Design Tree a breakthrough formula in design thinking that incorporates digital storytelling for product creation and validation.

The Design Tree

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At The Design Tree, we work closely and collaboratively with our clients to curate a unique set of design thinking experiences to create and or refine products. Our system of design thinking activities will lead you and your team to think beyond your initial grand idea and develop a series of grand ideas to make up a grand experience. We know as a practice it's easy to get lost in a sea of ideas and perspectives, which is why many teams have design thinking mindsets, but very few have design thinking systems. 

However, unlocking this system of understanding, ideating, and applying your team's solutions are invaluable to your company's success. We know from practice that design thinking increases customer satisfaction and overall revenue. Our goal as Consultants is to help you and your team develop a design thinking system by equipping you with all the tools and knowledge to make design thinking fun, exciting, applicable, illuminating, and rewarding. 

Learn more about our process below: 

  • Our process begins with an Explorative Interview to understand where you are as a company and your current needs. This initial assessment helps us to craft a unique design thinking experience for you and your team. It also allows us to provide expert guidance as you and your team inevitably encounter design challenges.

  • After our initial assessment, we will craft a design thinking plan, a set of curated design thinking activities that will allow you and your team to gain new insights and brainstorm new and exciting ideas to refine or create your product. Before deployment, we conduct a Solution Interview to assess if our design thinking plan meets your current needs and objectives. During deployment, we will assess our plan again to ensure we are meeting your needs. Once again, our process is to help you master The Design Tree system allowing you and your team to create fun, exciting, illuminating, and rewarding design thinking experiences.