Interview for Empathy
Collaborate develop a series of W+H questions to understand the user's needs, emotions and motivation in an interview.
Interview for Empathy
Step 1. Have team members introduce your persona from a prior interview or observational research (Meet Monica Wright, a manager at Systems Tech).
Step 2. Then, have team members quote the persona's problem from the observational research or interview.
Step 3. As a team, discuss the quote given by the user. Interpret the meaning of that quote.
Step 4. As a team, conclude and summarize key findings.
Interview for Empathy
Interview for Empathy develop a series of W+H questions to understand the user's needs, emotions and motivation. The goal is to explore user along the timeline (user perspective) and while developing empathy and having a better understanding of the circumstances that cause the problem.
Group Size: 3-5
Materials Needed: Interview for Empathy, Questions, Video Camera, Sketches or Photos, Markers and Post-its
Duration: 15-30 mins
Interview for Empathy
Conduct an interview with users to discover the underlining circumstances that caused the problem. Develop a list of Who, What, When, Where, Why open ended questions also know as a question map and prepare for interview with your persona.
Develop the story of your user through their statements.
Understand and gain insight into the user problem.
Generate new perspectives through unexpected results.
Share insights, and ideas with the team and stakeholders.
Work as a team in 3-5 member groups to discuss a quote from a particular user, with each team member sharing one user and their quote. Then as team find meaning to the quote. Finally, draw summarize findings.
Step 1. Have team members introduce your persona from a prior interview or observational research (Meet Monica Wright, a manager at Systems Tech).
Step 2. Then, have team members quote the persona's problem from the observational research or interview.
Step 3. As a team, discuss the quote given by the user. Interpret the meaning of that quote.
Step 4. As a team, conclude and summarize key findings.
Have each team member prepare a photo and a user quote before the session.
Have each team member introduce their persona and read their quote to the group. Afterward, engage the team in a discussion regarding the quote's meaning.
Strengthen the story by encouraging the team to bring other visualizations.
Give detailed descriptions that make the persona come alive.
Data Collection for Interview Empathy
An interview for empathy in design thinking is a technique used to gain a deep understanding of users' needs, motivations, and emotions. It involves conducting interviews with individuals who represent the target user group or stakeholders, with the goal of empathizing with their experiences and uncovering insights that can inform the design process.
During an empathy interview, the interviewer aims to create a safe and comfortable environment for the interviewee to share their thoughts and feelings openly. The interviewer asks open-ended questions that encourage storytelling and elicit rich responses. The focus is on understanding the interviewee's perspectives, behaviors, challenges, desires, and aspirations related to the design problem at hand.
Focus on survey questions to understand your Persona demographics.
Understand the problem by documenting what number out of the total of people you have observed have similar feelings, thought, attitudes and emotions associated with pain point/problem?
Provide your analysis of possible opportunities related to the pain point/problem.
Validating the Persona and their problem.
Demographic Information:
What is your age?
What is your gender?
Where do you live? (City, country)
What is your educational background?
What is your occupation?
Behaviors and Habits:
How do you typically make purchasing decisions?
Where do you usually shop for products/services?
How often do you use social media?
Which social media platforms do you prefer?
Do you prefer online shopping or in-person shopping?
Communication Preferences:
How do you prefer to communicate with others (email, phone, in-person)?
How often do you check your email?
Do you prefer text messages or phone calls?
Are you active on social media? Which platforms do you use?
Additional Comments:
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your preferences?
Personal Background:
What are your hobbies and interests?
How do you spend your free time?
What are your favorite books/movies/TV shows?
Do you have any pets?
Are you married or single?
Pain Points and Challenges:
What are your biggest challenges or obstacles in daily life?
What frustrates you the most in your current situation?
What difficulties do you face in your job or career?
What problems would you like to solve with the help of a product/service?
Product/Service Preferences:
What features are most important to you when considering a product/service?
What factors influence your purchasing decisions the most?
What brands do you trust or prefer?
Have you used similar products/services before?
20 out of 30
After conducting 30 interviews 20 identified pain point. The most common reported emotion associated with the problem was……….
Goals and Aspirations:
What are your short-term goals?
What are your long-term goals?
What motivates you in life?
What do you hope to achieve professionally?
Information Sources:
How do you stay updated with the latest news and trends?
Which websites or blogs do you frequently visit?
Do you subscribe to any newsletters or magazines?
Do you rely on recommendations from friends or family?
Feedback and Suggestions:
Is there anything specific you would like to see improved in existing products/services?
Do you have any suggestions for new products/services that would cater to your needs?
What would make you more likely to recommend a product/service to others?