Easily create amazing Design Thinking Experiences
Design thinking rooted in digital storytelling
Design thinking that is insightful, meaningful, clear and fun.
Easily create meaningful and insightful design thinking experience that incorporates digital storytelling the perfect prompt for all design thinking.
Engage teams in collaborative design thinking experiments to understand and validate the customer and their problem rooted in digital storytelling.
Engage teams in collaborative ideation, prototyping, and testing solutions using digital storytelling as a prompt with The Design Tree.
Empower teams to validate early ideas through design thinking strategies that engage user participant groups.
Sign up for a Free Trial of The Design Tree.
Welcome to The Design Tree
As you know design thinking is a process for creating human-centered products and applications.
This process originates from the scientific method a breakthrough introduced one thousand years ago. Which lead to an explosion of discoveries, inventions, and advances in science, medicine, agriculture, and industry.
This makes you think what if we could make Design Thinking the scientific method for the modern age more accessible and easier to perform by injecting something called digital storytelling?
What if this new process incorporates digital storytelling which instantaneously customizes design thinking illuminating which strategies we need to perform and those we don't?
Leads to a new wave of human-centric solutions.
What if this new process makes it easier to plan, learn, share, and perform design thinking? Lead to more teams engaged in enhanced collaborative ideation.
Leading to new products that delight and amaze.
Well welcome to The Design Tree a breakthrough design thinking formula that incorporates digital storytelling.
Let’s explore in detail why Design Thinking that incorporates digital storytelling is our future.
How this new process makes design thinking more approachable, applicable, and easier to perform.
We will discuss in detail how digital storytelling is more than just an amazing prompt for collaborative ideation but how it also serves as a prediction model of your product's future success.
Allowing us to pierce into the future and see clearly how to create products that delight and amaze.
The Design Tree revolves around a single yet powerful notion...... time
It is seeing the user through time that allows our minds to begin to think sequentially. As you see the customer within their story
A classic drama begins to unfold, your customer striving, hoping to achieve, to become something, to experience something, only to face obstacles and challenges in their quest.
It is a story that is age-old. A story that mirrors the hero's journey.
As your customer frustration grows by their failings and the market's poor attempt to solve their problem.
There you are you and your team with the opportunity to create the perfect solution.
It is your digital story your customer's story which allows you to see the design thinking experiments needed to perform to learn the necessary details about your customer. Digital storytelling gives us the necessary insight into our customers to plan the appropriate design thinking experiments that will be both meaningful and impactful.
This is the beauty of The Design Tree design thinking that incorporates digital storytelling because this formula gives us insight into where to start. There are over 50 design thinking experiments and 15 different experiments in the empathizing phase alone. In the old design thinking model, how would one even know where to begin? The beauty of this process is that we can use our digital story as a portal into all design thinking.
A closer look into digital storytelling reveals another obvious benefit which is the story itself can be tested for its veracity. This means we are using design thinking to uncover critical elements of our customer story, validating if we have the right customer and if that customer has the problem we wish to solve. This enables us to know which design thinking exercises we need to perform to validate the story. Knowing which exercises to perform based on our story allows us to create an entire design thinking plan that works to verify if our digital story is true.
We can now work to find the appropriate design thinking experiment or activity to validate and understand our customer's problem. So you see how powerful this process is, how once we create our digital story we now have an assumption that we can now verify through design thinking. We can now see if our assumptions can be backed up by real data and how our digital story is now a prediction model of our product's future success.
And it doesn't stop here........
Moving forward if we can now validate our digital story through experiments research and observation. Then we can now use our digital story as a powerful prompt for collaborative ideation. With this new prompt, we can engage our team in a variety of brainstorming design thinking experiments. See how amazing design thinking becomes once we have our digital story a powerful prompt for collaborative ideation.
But wait there's more. .....the power of digital storytelling doesn't stop here.
With digital storytelling, we now have enhanced insight into our customer's problems and the perfect prompt to inspire amazing ideas. We can now craft a solution to speak to our customer's frustration providing a solution tailor-made for their story. This critical information will help us build out the perfect prototype a simple solution to solve our customer's problem.
Finally, with digital storytelling, we can predict the likelihood our customer adopts our solution and we can now validate this by running a series of design thinking experiments many of which collect both quantitative and qualitative data. With this data, we can triangulate the information to understand how and why, and to what degree our solution solves our customer's problems.
You see again the power of digital storytelling and how it illuminates what design thinking we should perform and provides us with early assumptions about our customer that we use design thinking experiments to validate and how this story evolves as more information is gathered and validated serves as the perfect prompt for collaborative ideation. Most importantly because we are intimate with our customer's journey we now can draft a solution that speaks to them and perform the right test to validate our solution.
All of this can happen before we begin development before we even create our product, and before we even market our solution. This gives us the power to get it right. The power to pierce into the future, the power to predict our product's future success.
So what are you waiting for........sign up and see for yourself the power of digital storytelling, a prediction model of your product's future success.