Digital Storytelling
Step 3
Use the information from your Empathizing Persona and Defining Problem Statement to create a Digital Story. With a Digital Story, you can engage your team, organization, and the general public in dynamic brainstorming sessions to help solve your persona's problem.
Group Size: 4-10
Materials Needed: Print Digital Storytelling page, Pens, - Markers and Post-its
Duration: 30-120 mins
Digital Storytelling
Reflect on your research and observation. Create a digital story of your persona and highlight your persona's aspirations, motivations, and frustration through a digital story.
Document the unique story of your most likely customer.
Define the problem you need to solve.
Provide a description of your target market.
Engage your team, organization or general public in solving the problem.
Work in 4- 10 team member groups to organize the responses from both your Empathizing Persona and Defining Problem Statement to create a digital story of your most likely customer. Collaborate with your team to create a detailed story of how your most likely customer encounters the problem. Detail their description, aspirations, frustrations, and motivations.
Step 1. Meet: Introduce your persona and provide a detailed description. Reflect on your research and observation of those suffering from the problem find common characteristics in demography, psychographics (interests, values, attitudes), and any other relevant factors.
Step 2. Aspirations: Describe your persona through their aspirations, and activities in context to the problem. Example: An aspiring innovative application manager looking for tools to improve team dynamics.
Step 3. Frustrations: Illustrate your persona's goals and the challenges/problems that stand in the way. Typically what we aspire to leads to frustration when challenges stand in the way. This great opportunity to describe your problem in context to the personas aspirations.
Step 4. Motivations: Illustrate how your persona encounters the problem and what motivates them to continue? How does our persona get back to what they aspire towards?
Step 5. Describe how your persona copes with the problem? How are they actively seeking a solution. What practical behaviors will our persona engage in that is related to their aspiration and motivation?
--------—————Stop here and use your digital story as a prompt for ideating, prototyping and testing.--————---
Step 6. Describe how your persona is introduce to your solution. What marketing methods, or tactics will you use that is unique to your persona story that will help them find your solution?
Step 7. What happens after the solution is implemented? What steps will they take once the solution is implemented? Give some insights into their unique customer journey.
Step 8. Elation Document how your persona problem is solved, illustrate your customers satisfaction.
Digital Storytelling is completed in two phases. The first phase is for the purpose of ideation.
After completing your Empathizing Persona and Defining Problem Statement then create your digital story to engage your team, organization or general public in brainstorming session.
Phase 2 of Digital Storytelling is completed after the Prototyping and Testing phase.
Use stock photos and videos, audio recordings, interview footage, observational footage to create your digital story.
Your digital story should capture the ethnography of your user age, gender, social economics will help you target them in the market.
Collaborate with your team to go beyond the five questions in the Digital Storytelling guide to provide a more detailed story of your most likely customer.
Use your digital story as you utilize other Design Thinking exercises within The Design Tree.
Digital StorytellingExample
Create and communicate narratives that engage and inspire your team in the design process. Digital Storytelling combines elements of storytelling, visual design, and technology to convey information, evoke emotions, and drive collaboration and innovation
Organize a User Participant Group
After creating your digital story organize a user participant group. A focus user participant is a collection of people who mirror the persona found in your digital story. Use your user participant group to validate your digital story.
Organize a User Participant Group
A user participant group is a group of people who mirror the persona found in our digital story. With a user participant group, we can use a variety of design thinking methods to validate our digital story or change or adjust our solution, or conduct more research to better understand the problem.
Validate your digital story
Verify your Persona and their problem
Validate your solution
Test your solution's effectiveness
Work in 4- 10 team member groups to develop a recruitment strategy to organize a user participant group. Collaborate to determine who you will ask. Where you will find your likely participants and how you will recruit them to your focus group.
Step 1. Collaborate with your team to develop a recruitment strategy to attract individuals who align with the persona found in your digital story. Collect relevant information to segment your user participant group.
Who: Define who you need to ask to be in your user participant group.
Where: Where can you find your persona?
How: How will you convince or what incentives will you provide to recruit people into your user participant group?
Step 2. Determine the critical ethnographic information you need to collect. Information that may serve as a variable for the problem or solution. Ex: Job Title, Income, Age, Location, Industry.
Step 3. Assign roles and responsibilities to team members.
Define Objectives: Clearly state research goals for gathering specific insights.
Identify Target Users: Choose participants who match your target audience.
Recruitment: Use various methods to find suitable participants.
Informed Consent: Explain research purpose, activities, and rights to participants.
Scheduling: Plan date, time, and location, accommodating participant availability.
Prepare Materials: Create structured research materials aligned with objectives.
Facilitation: If needed, prepare for group discussions and assign roles.
Accessibility: Ensure a comfortable and accessible research environment.
Data Collection Tools: Select appropriate tools and test them.
Engagement: Use techniques to encourage participants to share openly.
Respect Privacy: Assure confidentiality and data protection.
Feedback: Provide participants with feedback or a debriefing session.
Data Analysis: Analyze collected data systematically.
Continuous Improvement: Continuously improve the process based on feedback.
Ethical Considerations: Adhere to ethical guidelines and seek approval when necessary.
Design Thinking Plan
Create a design thinking plan a list of design thinking strategies you can perform to validate your digital story and develop, and test your solution.