
Collaborate with your team to brainstorm ideas. Follow the brainstorming guidelines as you work with your team to present, evaluate and rate ideas.


Step 1. State the purpose of your collaboration and give context to the Digital Story to be presented.

Step 2. Play your digital story.

Step 3. Invite the team to brainstorm ideas to solve the user problem.

Step 4. Evaluate and rank ideas. Have a discussion with your team to determine the best idea.

Step 5. Create an elevator pitch to describe the best idea.


Play your digital story. Collaborate with your team to brainstorm ideas. Follow the brainstorming guidelines as you work with your team to present, evaluate and rate ideas.

Group Size: 4-6

Materials Needed: Print Brainstorming Session Diagram and Instructions, Pens, Markers and Post-its, Camera

Duration: 30-45 mins


Collaborate with your team to brainstorm ideas. Follow the brainstorming guidelines as you work with your team to present, evaluate, and rate ideas.

  • Generate as many ideas as possible.

    Unleash the creativity of the design team.

    Gain consensus on ideas through discussion and voting.

    Develop an elevator pitch of the new idea

    Prepare the team to work on a solution.

  • Work in small groups of 4-6 team members play your digital story. Invite the team to brainstorm ideas, then assess ideas and finally vote on the top ideas from the team. Work with the team to develop an elevator pitch of the best idea.

  • Step 1. State the purpose of your collaboration and give context to the Digital Story to be presented.

    Step 2. Play your digital story.

    Step 3. Invite the team to brainstorm ideas to solve the user problem.

    Step 4. Evaluate and rank ideas. Have a discussion with your team to determine the best idea.

    Step 5. Create an elevator pitch to describe the best idea.

  • All ideas are welcome, never criticize ideas; you may need an idea later.

    Put all ideas on post-it notes and build on the ideas of others.

    Take pictures of ideas.

    Cluster similar ideas together during the assessment for review.

    Engage in a discussion about the ideas during the assessment.

    Encourage the team to vote on the ideas that are beloved by the team.

    Use dots on post-it to vote for the best ideas.

    Create an elevator pitch.