Step 3. Brainstorm with Simulation

Collaborate to create new ideas by creating an analogy of our product and services with other known products and services. When we create an analogy different synergies emerge changing our point of view and generating out-of-the-box ideas.

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Analogies & Benchmarking

Step 1. Play your digital story or read your problem statement. Reflect again on the most significant problems and pains.

Step 2. Work as a team to find analogies for the problems. Creating an analogy with another existing industry, system, place or service.

Step 3. Illustrate the analogy using icons, sketches, stock photos, etc. Illustrating the analogy changes our perspective, so we can begin to see things differently.

Step 4. Solve the problem from the point of view of the analogy. Develop original and feasible ideas.

Step 5. Summarize the most important findings.

Analogies & Bench-marking

Collaborate to create new ideas by creating an analogy of our product and services with other known products and services. When we create an analogy different synergies emerge changing our point of view and generating out-of-the-box ideas.

Group Size: 10-12

Materials Needed: Analogies and Benchmarking, Pens, Markers and Post-its, Camera, Printer

Duration: 30-60 mins

Analogies Bench-marking

Collaborate and ideate around the persona's problem and experience. Together perform Negative Brainstorming, Figure Storming and/or Body Storming to find new ways to solve a problem.

  • Generate out-of-the-box ideas

    Discover new and innovative ways to create and market products.

    Unleash the creativity of your team.

    Develop original and feasible ideas.

  • Work in groups of 10-12 team members. Play your digital story or read your problem statement. Work together to brainstorm analogies. Then, illustrate that analogy or find stock photos to print out. Finally solve the problem from the new point of view and then present original ideas.

  • Step 1. Play your digital story or read your problem statement. Reflect again on the most significant problems and pains.

    Step 2. Work as a team to find analogies for the problems. Creating an analogy with another existing industry, system, place or service.

    Step 3. Illustrate the analogy using icons, sketches, stock photos, etc. Illustrating the analogy changes our perspective, so we can begin to see things differently.

    Step 4. Solve the problem from the point of view of the analogy. Develop original and feasible ideas.

    Step 5. Summarize the most important findings.

  • Use known icons to illustrate ideas.

    Have a printer nearby for team members to print out stock photos.

    Focus on critical experiences with other companies that we can apply.

    Be open to extremes. The most helpful analogy is often from an industry with nothing in common with our problem.

    When in doubt, Google Images searches for values within your product, for example, "tough" or "affordable."

    Analogies help our minds to make associations; we use this skill often to make product design easier.