2x2 Matrix

Collaborate to create a criteria to categorize ideas or options based on two values or criteria. A 2x2 Matrix can help us determine which solution may be more beloved by our target market.

2x2 Matrix

Step 1. Start by designating your axis for the quadrants of the 2x2 matrix based on value related to your requirements.

Step 2. After creating your 2x2 matrix criteria, have a team member read an idea aloud. Have a discussion about the idea. Remind the team of the criteria. Work as a team to find the right spot in the 2X2 Matrix for the Idea. Use the 2x2 matrix to rate all your ideas..

Step 3. Analyze your findings. Evaluate and rate the ideas. Have a discussion about the best ideas according to your 2x2 Matrix criteria.

2x2 Matrix

The 2x2 Matrix exercise helps to categorize ideas and make decisions on what ideas should be pursued based off of a criteria that we create to evaluate and rate ideas. Work in small groups of 2-8 team members. Have a discussion with your team about the ideal values for the 2x2 Matrix. Have a team member read an idea and discuss as a group where that idea belongs in the 2x2 Matrix. Collaborate to rate all ideas and then have final discussion of the results.

Group Size: 2-8

Materials Needed: 2x2 Matrix, Pens, Markers and Post-its, Camera

Duration: 15-20 mins

2x2 Matrix

Reflect on the persona's digital story and brainstorm solutions to empower the persona to overcome the problem. Finally, develop an elevator pitch detailing the solution.

  • Determine which ideas should be pursued or rejected.

    Create criteria to assess and evaluate ideas.

    Prioritize ideas based on your criteria.

    Develop consensus on why an idea should or should not be pursued.

  • Work in small groups of 2-8 team members. Have a discussion with your team about the ideal values for the 2x2 Matrix. Have a team member read an idea and discuss as a group where that idea belongs in the 2x2 Matrix. Collaborate to rate all ideas and then have final discussion of the results.

  • Step 1. Start by designating your axis for the quadrants of the 2x2 matrix based on value related to your requirements.

    Step 2. After creating your 2x2 matrix criteria, have a team member read an idea aloud. Have a discussion about the idea. Remind the team of the criteria. Work as a team to find the right spot in the 2X2 Matrix for the Idea. Use the 2x2 matrix to rate all your ideas.

    Step 3. Analyze your findings. Evaluate and rate the ideas. Have a discussion about the best ideas according to your 2x2 Matrix criteria.

  • Utilize ideas from your brainstorming session.

    Try to make the axes into something that is measurable achievable, realistic, and timely.

    Axis & Opposite. cool----normal, feasible----impossible, difficult----simple, important----negligible, cost----savings, benefits----no need,

    effort and expenditure----simple, impact----negative impact,

    value----no value/benefit, innovation----existing, ambivalence----specific

    cool idea----doable idea

    Have team members read ideas and collaborate to discuss where the idea should go.

    Finally, evaluate and discuss the top ideas within the 2x2 Matrix create consensus on which ideas should be pursued.

    Use dots on post-it to vote for the best ideas.

    Create an elevator pitch.