The Design Tree
When we collaborate around customer stories innovative businesses, customer experiences, markets, and economies are born.
What if I told you the path to designing innovative businesses, products services, customer experiences, markets, and a future economy lies in the customer story?
What if I told you there was a way to use the customer story to align a variety of products and services and even reverse engineer a future economy?
With Design Thinking rooted in a video of a customer story, we can design beyond products and customer experiences and even collaborate to design future markets that dictate a new economy.
Collaborate with The Design Tree for:
Design Thinking Workshops
Customized Design Thinking Strategies
A Compelling Video that Explores the Unique Journey of Your Customer
Design Thinking Strategies that include Key Performance Indicators
Design Thinking Strategies for Powerful Brainstorming Sessions
Complete Platform for Engaging your Team or Organization in each Strategy for both Online and Offline Sessions
This process of co-creating and cross-collaborating around customer stories allows us to brainstorm innovative products, services, customer experiences, and marketing approaches accelerated by markets we also can design.
Designing the Future
With customized design thinking that incorporates a video of a customer story, we can design innovative products, services, customer experiences, and even a future market perfectly aligned with our customer stories.
The Design Tree Experience
Design Thinking Workshops
Collaborative Platform to Organize Your Business or Community
Easily facilitate Design Experiences through Video Tutorials
Consultation and Support